Monday, July 13, 2015

Mini Foam Weave Basket

I was in need of a mini weave basket for a project I was doing but only had small foam sheets. So I created a basket using the foam. Below you will find the tutorial. Please enjoy!

Materials Needed:
  •  Foam Sheets ( I had small sheets but any will do)
  • Glue ( I had only had Elmer's because I have yet got new hot glue sticks for a glue gun. Using hot glue will take it shorter time to dry.)
  • Paint 
  • X-acto knife
  • Paintbrushes

Step 1: Create a square. Mine was a 4"x4" square

Step 2: Create 6 square on the foam. My center squares are larger than my 4 corner squares but 
 you can create any size you want. My center squares were 1.5" x 1.5".

Step 3: Cut the 4 corner squares away from the rest of the foam.

 Step 4: Create a 1/4" slice on the outside of the center square. Kind of like fringe.

 Step 5: Glue the corners together like so
 Step 6: Cut up another sheet of foam 1/4" wide. An begin weaving it into the fringed cross looking thing.

Step 7: Finish your edges with extra strips of foam.

Step 8: Paint!

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